South Wales Bowls and Recreation Centre is open to members and non-members. Members have a range of benefits, including swipe entry into building, lower rink fees, 40% discount on Bean to Coffee beverages, and 10% discounts on meals and drinks plus prior notice of all social events. Simply complete a membership form (available in the reception area or behind the bar) and return it, together with your payment, to any of the bar staff. Open days are held twice each year and, with the expertise of qualified coaches, prospective members soon learn the art of their chosen sport.
Visitors who have not played bowls or petanque before are encouraged to take lessons, which are available at the Centre. New bowlers must have four coaching lessons at £6 per 2 hour session, before they can book rinks to play unsupervised.
After joining, members are encouraged to join a novice league, such as Spoons, or with Pétanque the friendly weekend games,after which the sky is the limit! Our fees for membership and playing are detailed below; annual membership runs from 1st October to 30th September of the following year.
Social Membership 2024/2025 season: £25
Pëtanque membership for 2024/25 season: £10 plus either Social or Full Bowling Membership
If you would like to become a member, have any questions or want a few lessons before taking the plunge, please do not hesitate to call us on 02920 530999 or
Members can hire a locker for a payment of £8.00 per year; contact